Casper Orthopedics is accepting appointments for physical and occupational therapy at their therapy centers in Casper. Patients seeking specialized therapeutic and rehabilitative bone, joint and muscle care are encouraged to call the practice’s Therapy Center (East), located at 4140 Centennial Hills Blvd., Suite A, at (307) 472-8871 or their Therapy Center (West), located at 4070 Plaza Drive, Suite 107, at (307) 337-3204 to schedule an on-site therapy appointment.
Through two state-of-the-art, dedicated therapy centers in Casper, Casper Orthopedics’ therapy team delivers a diverse array of therapeutic and rehabilitative bone, joint, muscle and sports-related treatments and services. Their licensed therapists work closely with each patient’s doctor or other providers to create individualized treatment programs to help patients regain strength and function as quickly and safely as possible. With specialized training and experience, the practice’s therapy team uses advanced rehabilitation techniques and the latest modalities designed to help people from all walks of life return to an active, healthy lifestyle.
Services offered by Casper Orthopedics’ therapy team include:
“At Casper Orthopedics, we want to help you get stronger faster for the long term, and we are proud to offer convenient, specialized physical and occupational therapy at two convenient locations in Casper as part of that dedication,” says Sandy Hoppe, therapist supervisor at Casper Orthopedics. “Our therapists provide specialized, integrated therapy care and rehabilitation to help you recover from injuries, conditions and surgeries and regain strength and function.”
For more information on therapy services at Casper Orthopedics or to schedule an appointment, call (307) 472-8871 or (307) 337-3204.